What is the Peace Preschool?
“Since we all laugh in the same language” The Peace Preschool was conceived as a method to break down stereotypes and barriers at an early age. Jewish, Christian and Arab children see what they have in common and not what separates them. This school provides 120 children between the ages of 2 and 5 a preschool education that defines ethical and peaceful community development.
The Peace Preschool teaches love, growth and tolerance for all – how do they do this – in exactly the same way you teach math or reading, get the children and the families’ involved. Below is an excerpt from their newsletter that describes and demonstrates what goes on in this amazing preschool. (to subscribe to the newsletter please email E-mail: adena@ymca.org.il)
Ariella and Riki (The teachers of the second 4-5 year old class) had a wonderful idea - instead of inviting the children’s parents, they invited their grandparents! Each grandparent brought their favorite dish, and the table was full of such delicacies as couscous, kuba soup, lox and bagels, burekkas, schnitzel etc. After everybody ate, the children “played” on instruments and excitedly showed what they learned in their music class. The grandparents danced and played musical chairs. One of the grandparents told everyone that when he was a child, he used to come to the YMCA to play tennis and was even a champion! At the end, the staff and parents had a surprise for the kids- they performed a funny skit much to the children’s delight.
“Since we all laugh in the same language” The Peace Preschool was conceived as a method to break down stereotypes and barriers at an early age. Jewish, Christian and Arab children see what they have in common and not what separates them. This school provides 120 children between the ages of 2 and 5 a preschool education that defines ethical and peaceful community development.
The Peace Preschool teaches love, growth and tolerance for all – how do they do this – in exactly the same way you teach math or reading, get the children and the families’ involved. Below is an excerpt from their newsletter that describes and demonstrates what goes on in this amazing preschool. (to subscribe to the newsletter please email E-mail: adena@ymca.org.il)
Ariella and Riki (The teachers of the second 4-5 year old class) had a wonderful idea - instead of inviting the children’s parents, they invited their grandparents! Each grandparent brought their favorite dish, and the table was full of such delicacies as couscous, kuba soup, lox and bagels, burekkas, schnitzel etc. After everybody ate, the children “played” on instruments and excitedly showed what they learned in their music class. The grandparents danced and played musical chairs. One of the grandparents told everyone that when he was a child, he used to come to the YMCA to play tennis and was even a champion! At the end, the staff and parents had a surprise for the kids- they performed a funny skit much to the children’s delight.
Hi, My name is Marla Lewis.I write songs for kids, and one of my most celebrated is actually called, "We All Laugh in the Same Language!" I would be happy to send it to you if you wish -- my e-mail is musemarla@gmail.com. You can also check out my website at www.marlalewis.com.
Kids at your pre-school will love it!
Marla - that would be GREAT!
Can you giver me the e-mail address to send my song to?
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